I am looking for a methodology that can quantify the cumulative disturbance of marine mammals (or harbour porpoise) from the operational noise of wind farms. This aspect has so far been assessed qualitatively in the EIA; but given the circumstances now, over 50 wind farms will be operational in the North Sea by 2030.
Is there a way that DEPONS can react to this with a new modelling update?
Thank you kindly, and any ideas for alternative assessments are appreciated.
I am looking for a methodology that can quantify the cumulative disturbance of marine mammals (or harbour porpoise) from the operational noise of wind farms. This aspect has so far been assessed qualitatively in the EIA; but given the circumstances now, over 50 wind farms will be operational in the North Sea by 2030.
Is there a way that DEPONS can react to this with a new modelling update?
Thank you kindly, and any ideas for alternative assessments are appreciated.